Version 0.1.2


Been a couple days since the last update, but that doesn't mean I haven't added any features! I haven't consulted with my team yet, so we haven't decided on exactly what we are going to do yet, nor the timeline, but I took it upon myself to add some features that we would have added if we had the time.

Version 0.1.2 is all about changes to the audio, from a user perspective anyway. Now we have some music in the game! It's royalty free stuff, since we don't have a sound designer, but for now it sets about the right mood. Additionally, sound effects should be more audible and have slightly more variety. Lastly, you can now adjust the volume in game (I hate it when games don't have that option, so this was a must add for me). You can't adjust the music and sound effects volumes separately though :(

The biggest changes in this version are all behind the scenes. I adjusted a fair bit of the code to make it more performant, and probably slightly easier to work with. It should be a more solid base to work off of, since game jam code (or anything that needs to meet a deadline) is always a mess... although I think I added a bit more silliness when adding the volume and month displays to the UI. Oh yeah, I also added those couple of things to the UI (there are some other things we plan on adding there later on too)!

The keybindings for the volume, by the way, are '[' (left bracket) for lowering volume, and ']' (right bracket) for increasing it. Adding the keybindings was simpler than adding a menu for it, otherwise a menu would have been my choice. There's not really a whole lot in this update, but hopefully future ones will add more significant changes - as well as some much needed balance, as it is all a bit too easy to keep plants alive.

Anyway, that's all for now, see you again soon!
- Narik


Botanical 0.1.2 - Windows 32-bit 21 MB
Dec 12, 2019
Botanical 0.1.2 - Windows 64-bit 24 MB
Dec 12, 2019
Botanical 0.1.2 - macOS 40 MB
Dec 12, 2019
Botanical 0.1.2 - Linux 64-bit 25 MB
Dec 12, 2019

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